
I'm used to having exams and study for it. I mean last time. But not now anymore. I have not been having exam for a semester. I'm so nervous about it this time. It's just a mid-term, but I don't really understand what is the subject all about. The only thing I know is just memorize every thing I got from the notes without understanding them. That's the fastest way to do now. I got no choice but to do it. What to do? I'm too weak in language and writing. I wish I could write like the people who can write a long passage saying whatever come to their mind. I can't even write that long in my blog. What to do? I'm not good in interpreting about anything. I try my very best to write very very very very long story, or maybe a very very very very long post. But it's kinda hard for me. Especially with my limited vocabulary.
How how how??!!How am I gonna pass my mid-term tomorrow??I don't wanna fail!!!

Okay, I know. Go study now ma...Stop blogging ma...Stop chatting online ma...okay okay~~

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