It's Me, in Melbourne
It's autumn here in Melbourne. Leaves are getting red and falling all over. Everyday seems to be so chilly and gloomy. It's kind of a depressing season though. I'm sleeping more and more. As days getting colder and colder. Gosh, and my food intake is like, I wouldn't want to describe about it. It's really... BAD!
Well, I've stopped facebook for the time being. Ridiculous right? Sounds like something that will never ever happen on Lily. This is like a miracle. But yes I'm doing it because it's my final project period. Work load is crazy. I haven't even start any one of them and they all due the same week. Two of them even due on the same date! Why on earth lecturers wanna do this to us?! Gosh! Anyway, luckily I just killed one of them last week. I mean my assignment of course. It's a group assignment. And I have this really uber madness cute groupmates. We had our presentation in class the other day. Was not too bad. I hope I did well. But I'm kinda nervous about it though. I'm now working very hard on my Network Literacies final major project. Which requires me to think broad, think deep and think more.Trying very hard to figure out what to do. hmm... Hope it won't take me too long to figure out.
By the way, I went to the Level One of Barista training in Toby's Estate Espresso School. Was great and I learned a lot. Which I could hardly learn it back in Malaysia. Well, it was just level one. So much practice to do actually. I'm still not very good. Way to go. Petrie really like me. But as he started to expect much from me, I feel the pressure. Hope I won't disappoint him. I don't like to disappoint anyone. Anyway, I'll do my best. ^^
"I like it. I really like it. It was the sweetest thing ever. The effort, I appreciate it much. I mean it. Really."
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