
Yea Yea! I'm going to Shanghai tomorrow night. Haven't been to a vacation with family for quite some time. I think the last time would be the Langkawi Trip back in 2007. But, I'm not really that look forward to the trip, don't know why. Like CL say, I was suppose to be nervous and getting excited about the trip tomorrow. But, not that I thought of.

Remember when I was young(I'm still young, don't worry^^) around primary school time, I always get excited towards any trip. Even a Sunway Lagoon outing can make me not sleep and eat just because getting excited about it. But, as I grow older, a trip may only means another relaxing trip to me. Nothing much. Of cause, also with a lot of pictures.^^ Stay tune for that.

So, keep glued to my blog and more update will be up very very very soon...

"Shanghai Here I Come!!!"

1 response:

Robin Chan | April 22, 2009 at 1:19 AM

don't forget my souvenir ok? :P thank u! I'm informing first. Not like u, only when i come back then u ask from me! hehehe..