Blog or Flaunt??

A Blog can be a very evil tool, it can also be a very wise tool depends on the owner and the user. However, it also depends on the reader's intention whether it is good or bad. Because they will comment right?? Anyway, blog has made a very big influence in everybody's life. Blog tells stories, but at the same time also the very important source of all rumors and gossips. I think this is where the author of Gossip Girls get his idea.

You know, when the people get information from whoever's blog, news spread around with the speed of light. Everyone knows, even the cleaner aunty would know. This is the power of communication. At the same time, some people also write with motive. Getting famous? Spread news on purpose? To tell somebody something hoping the somebody will ACCIDENTALLY read the post or maybe starting a war of words with somebody?? To show-off the things bought, even a panty from pasar malam or a cheap D-camera (I did this, but I rather blog about me getting a DSLR instead of a cheap D-camera.^^). Or maybe a place to show-off how HAPPENING their life is, eating LUXURIOUS food. Alright, I did that too. This is call sharing what. LOL

Whether the blog, i mean the blog-owner is telling a truth, can't really determine that. Anyway, blog originally is a space for people to express their feeling. Now, it become a place for bitching war, an information center for personal info, a source of all great gossips and rumors.

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