
I never thought my targeted activity would succeed by being frustrated and total disappointment.

I was lying on my bed for the past 20 hours. Yes! Sleeping of cause. I noticed that I can't continuously sleep for 20 hours. I keep waking up. Ended up with a day without water and food. Until this morning, I wake up and made myself 3 pcs of black pepper sausage and apple with salmon mayo salad. Hmm...

Anyway, what happen yesterday was suppose to attend one of my girl's birthday dinner at Bentong. Unfortunately, due to some family matters I couldn't attend. I felt so disappointed and frustrated. I event silent my phone whole day. I was not given any choice but not to go. I feel so bad. It's Sheau Mun's 21st birthday, and I couldn't attend. Besides, it might also be the last time we travel so far with Teddy cause she is gonna leave to UK very soon. This make me feel even worst.

I send my mum to the temple at 1pm and reach home at 2pm. I slept all the way to 12am, when I wake up, loads of miscalls and messages. One of the miscall is from Teddy, and I missed it. OMG! They came back early and went Quan's. And I missed it again! WTH! Me ended up continue sleeping till this morning. OMG!

Woke up this morning and read some shitty updates on facebook. I think I'm gonna quit facebook one day. They keep haunting me. Damn it!!!

2 response:

AmUyO ToMoKo | September 7, 2009 at 1:28 AM

hey gal, chill man....

it's okay to miss the birthday party of your friend.... think on the bright side, maybe you could still send her off when she's leaving to UK....

everything that happened is in God's hands.... take care and cheer up !!!

im looking forward to talk to you this wednesday !!! cheers :P

l I l Y | September 7, 2009 at 11:24 PM

See you on Wednesday ^^