The Season of Break Up 4.0

People! Stop telling me you wanna break up ><" The best part is, in the end you guys never really break up. What's the point of having the urge but not doing it?

Well, I understand. Sometimes people tend to think twice. There might be a turning back, there might be a possibility, there might be a change, there might be better. We tend to give ourselves thousands and thousands of reason to not break the tie between ourselves and the person we once love so much. Maybe this is just me.

But come to think of it. If the situation is not as worse or the feeling is not fading, why would you even have the idea of breaking up? It has to come to the extend that, you couldn't tolerate any longer.

What's after break up?  Get a rebound? Be alone? Be friend? Be an unleashed girl? Get together with some who hates and bitch about it?

I chose to be alone. Not lonely, not lonesome. I have people around me. I thought about rebound, but it's just not me. It's not fair. It's not fair to that person who really loves me but I didn't love back. No matter how much you try, you just can't. I didn't bitch, really. I practically didn't say anything after that day. I don't hate. Not anymore. I don't blame either. Maybe not anymore. This is just me, I'm not saying everyone should be like this. But I find this is the best way to get over it. Call me a hypocrite. I am what they seen.

Well, it's been almost a year. Time flies~ 

"Bitching is fun, but it degrades you."

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