
It was UCSI Prom Night Ladies and Gentlemen. Let's Hollywood! Would like to present to you Audrey Hepburn LILY THONG!

Well, it was my first prom, so can't compare. But I think its fun. The setting was nice, the people was great. The most important, I like my look! LOL!^^ I made myself, the inexpensive dress, own makeup, own heels, own hairdo. Woohoo.

By the way, me and Cassey (the prom queen^^) spend almost 3 hours just to dress up and make up. We still rush like hell. Thought we wanted to go earlier, but end u we are just on time. LOL!

Cassey and Iman are actually running for the Prom Queen and King. They have to do a performance, and they danced. Wonderful. Video?? Later guys. But I promise I will upload it. The line at my house area just suxx.

Everyone just look so great on that day. Everyone should have a prom once in a life time. For more pictures, make sure you checkout my facebook album.^^

Of cause we went for another party with Bell and Alan. Met so many people there at Quattro. Just keep dancing and drinking and dancing and drinking whole night long. But, I broke my cam when I fell. WTH, almost lost my memory stick too. T_T. Anyway, You guys really made my night. Thank you so so much. Love you guys more than everything. ♥ ♥ ♥


"I'm too tall, takes some time to look down."


1 response:

sam | July 8, 2009 at 5:21 PM

WELL.. i have to admit i was wrong on what i've comment on your dress~ hehe.. paiseh~ it's NICE~