The 7 Cs

You know, after I dropped my subject Spoken Discourse which I thinks that I can get an A from that, and I add up another subject call Functional Grammar. This sounds like a subject dealing with tenses and sentence structure. But it end up to be a big NO. It's not everything about tenses and structure of sentence, instead I call it the art of a language because we are dealing with analyzing the language. I also found this wonderful lecturer who speaks and looks a lot like Hagrid in Harry Potter. His humorous style of teaching with examples made me not regret of taking this subject. I remember he taught us about the criteria of choosing a good man, not the prescriptive type with tall figure and good looking face. Instead, he said we should find some one with 7 Cs. You know what is that? Come, let the student of Sir Hagrid tell you.

1. Cash
2. Credit cards
3. Car
4. Club membership
5. Company
6. CEO
7. The most important according to him will be Condom-inium

Get what he means??^^

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