6 Steps to Save $ in Genting

How to travel to Genting by just a small amount of cash(how small??) and still party all night long?
1st, get as many friends as possible to go with you, and only book ONE room.
2nd, get as many vouchers for the restaurants and hotel in Genting as possible.
3rd, buy cup noodle there.
4th, bring your own liquor and cordial.
5th, go for the hotel breakfast and pack something back for your friends.
6th, get somebody to drive there (optional; you can choose to pay him/her a lil or not^^)
After these six steps, you can spend only less than RM50 for your whole 2 days 1 night trip. OMG! I'm so genius. hahahahaha

Here are the highlights^^

The artist 'wanna-be'

But we did this just to satisfied them

our 12 side dishes with only RM27.9 at Kenny Roger's Roaster.

And, finally the main show of the night.

The board is the first in my life, and the last in my life. So, Cassey you pandai pandai la.hahahaha

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