I Wanna Be a Queen ♥
I wrote a post like this on FB: "I should feel like a Princess because I am one according to them. But, I wanna be a Queen!"This one actually requires elaborations.
I've been receiving so many pressie lately. From someone, from myself, from him, from her, from everyone.
I love getting presents.
I love getting surprise too. This is good surprise, I'm happy. Really happy. about it. Very. I bet you know what I've got. Haha. A beats, the Lady Gaga in-ear Heartbeats. They look like diamonds. They are just so lovely. I was surprised receiving it. Because it was totally unexpected. I like it very much. This is what I really call a surprise. I'm delighted. Very much.
Thank you for pampering me. I really feel like a princess. I should be right? :D
Besides, due to days of unhappy incidents and people around me that irritates me, I've decided to pamper myself with SHOPPING. Yes! I bought loads of things past two weeks, and I spent chunk! Of course things for myself and for people around me that I treasure. Now I know who is worth appreciating and who is not. I know very well now.
Well. Shopping continues next week on my paycheck day. HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm so gonna get killed. =P
I love all my new babies ♥ My Baby MBMJ, MBMJ Jr, MBMJ Jr Jr. Oh! And not forgetting my Baby P. Ngek ngek!!
Sister also got a B. XD
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