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Christmas is HERE!

I know I've been a lazy lil girl not blogging for days. Here comes my fullest and richest post of the month.

What is the month about?! Yes! Christmas! Ended up I didn't have any wishlist and waiting for people to surprise me. Surprise huh? hmm... none. But instead, I really got many presents this year.^^ I think this is what comes in return of me giving out so presents for the past few years.

As I said previously, this year I'm not going to spend my Christmas with my girls. In stead I have great fun with my colleagues and also some crazey (they are more than just crazey) designer.
Talking about my colleagues, just so you know I just ended my job in OLDTOWN, and now I'm officially a jobless girl. Jobless because I'm gonna leave this happening land for two years real soon. How soon? 18th of February 2010. Is this soon enough? Back to the topic. It's my last day working so my colleagues wanted to have a farewell party-cum-Christmas party. So I suggested my house. After work, all came to my house. BBQ againnn.... This had been happening for don't remember how many times this year already. Well, here comes the picture.

The next day, which is the official Christmas, I had a party at DOT's office which is organize by the BBC (Beach Boy Club? @_@) Network. Loon and Hian invited me. This is not like just a simple party, they even have door gift. How lovely. The party was great, except the part where I need to hold the cuttlefish and ginger with my mouth. It's tiring duu. But fun.

New year is almost here. The time for me to leave is near too. How I wish I have more time to do something that I think it is important to me. But, I can't disappoint them who trusted me. What can my New Year Resolution be then?
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Santa Clause is Coming to Town!

Jingle Bell~ Jingle Bell~ Jingle Bell Rocks~

A year has almost come to an end. Here comes the warm festival. Christmas, where everywhere is decorated by beautiful Christmas ornaments. Christmas song all can be heard everywhere. But the only thing that reminds me of Christmas is PARTY. LOL

For the past two years, I spend my time with my lovely ladies. But now, everyone is getting into relationship and this is also the festival to be celebrate with only bf/gf. I don't have one, so I shall find myself some fun. Party is a must.

Present is also something everyone looking forward in Christmas. I am too. Well, what is in my wishlist this year?


Scratching my head, thought about this for days. Nothing in my mind. Who's gonna get me anything even if there is this wishlist?

"I wish......"
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There is only one word to describe my day. WRONG!

1st WRONG:
Shouldn't have took leave today.

2nd WRONG:
Shouldn't have go downtown.

3rd WRONG:
Shouldn't have ask people for lunch.

4th WRONG:
Shouldn't have agreed with people for dinner date.

5th WRONG:
Shouldn't have being a kind person.

6th WRONG:
Shouldn't have sent that sms.

Everything were just so wrong! What the hell is going on with my day? I can only feel myself being so stupid the whole day. Should have just went to work like an ordinary day. Don't put up too high expectation when you know nothing is gonna happen.


Anyway, last weekend was my BFF's birthday. Had a lovely dinner with her and friends. There's some words here I would like to say to her.

"Thank you for being my friend for the past 8 years. Never had a friend like you before. Glad that I have you in my life."

(OMG! Gelinye.......)

Anyway, Happy Birthday once again to my very best friend -

Low Jia Leng
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Crazy Weekend

Its another weekend. Just like usual I have plans. But I didn't initially plan it, caused it was planned. LOL. It's Jon's birthday of cause. Went to Danny's house for party. Hmm... I wouldn't describe the party, see it yourself.

It doesn't even look like a birthday party, it's more like a Playgirl party (according to Lisa).LOL.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to Jon! Hope you had a great one.

The day after that we went to Ipoh and had our breakfast-lunch-tea break at Bidor. Yumm yumm. Finally with our long waited Ipoh Hor Fun and Tauge. Woohoo.

Everything was just so nice, jokes we made, we talk about everything. So many funny spot. I'm still laughing when I thought about it. LOL. I just can't help.


Well, of cause I brought my baby along to Rawang. I'm so proud of my baby cause he is just so wonderful for any occasions. Oh ya, my baby has a big sister, and it's Cassey's. So happy.

At the same time, my baby do have a stepsister too. And the funny is how I found out about my baby had a stepsister. This friend of mine was chatting with me on msn the other day. I'll just call her A, and A had a friend which is also my friend namely B. I was chatting with A and suddenly A sent me a link and she starts laughing. I saw the link and literally I think I know what she wana show me. When I open the link, my jaw almost drop on the floor. This is what its written there "Oh my God. I know you hate me but please don't hate me even more if i have the same camera as you." I was in the office that afternoon. When I read that, it was just so so so so damn hilarious. A thought I would be furious and start fking all the way, but I just start laughing. Why would I be furious? Although there ain't my name on it, not even a word clover there, but I can tell you its obviously referring to me. Because SHE wrote it.

You know how A found out about what she wrote? Cause this happen: B told A to go read my blog first. A didn't notice anything cause it's just my usual post about what I did over the weekend. Then only B ask A to read her blog. Her jaw too almost drop on the floor and here she come showing me the link.

I don't feel angry, furious, mad nothing. But the only thing is I seriously think it's funny why did she have to write that? Hmm...I wonder if she is competing herself with what I have or she is just trying to tell me not to hate her which she thought I hate her because she got her bf before I get him. LOL! This is like the most funniest thing I've ever heard. I wonder since when I liked a person and me myself didn't realize it and the gf of the guy thinks I am. Hmm...

Sometimes I wonder, why people fight over the facebook, blog, twitter, etc etc etc. It's kinda stupid. Especially me myself I think it's just a show and all my friends are the spectator. It's kinda embarrassing at times. So, this is what I gotta say:


Oh ya, and one more thing. My baby is not just CLEAR, STABLE and EASY to FOCUS, my baby is way better than that and he can do a lot more than that. Go understand about it more please! If you're just gonna use the Intelligent Auto all the way, mind as well you just go get a normal compact point-n-shoot with different modes and LEICA lens, just if you really want a CLEAR visual so much. Friendly advise. No offence. ^^
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Lovely Weekend

It was another lovely weekend I say. Don't worry, this time I didn't go for Bunjeejump or Skydiving(How I wish. LOL). Instead, I brought my lovely baby home on Saturday. How do I describe my baby? Hmm... He looks cool all over, inside out. He has a beatiful body feature, which you feel the curve when you hold him. He is just so sexay. You can see how the world is through his crystal clear eyes. Nothing's better than my lovely baby- Lumix LX3. HAHAHAHA.

Yes! I finally bought a camera I long for. Suppose I wanted to get myself a Canon G10 which so many people recommand me for that, end up they went out of stock and finally I decided to get the 1st thought of mine, LX3. He is just great for me. Despite the zoom lenght which is really short, the aperture and the lens is truely amazing.

Thanks to Galy, I got a great deal for my Baby. Muacks.
But the sad thing is, I broke my new sunny. But I didn't know how I did it.

Then Sunday was a busy day. I think for those who saw my status update, they'll know what happened the day before Sunday (which is Saturday la, why so complicate? You think you very yeng isit? LOL). I've been struggling on how to ffk my friend, cause I promised to be his assistant for a photoshooting session for a cute couple. End up, I went for the session early in the morning which I have to wake up at 6.30am and go for another wedding reception in the afternoon. Hmm. Well planned! Aplause for myself *proud*

It's November already. December is coming soon. Of cause, Christmas is just around the corner. Talking about Christmas, though I'm not a Christian, but every year I would buy all my friends in KL a lil gift. Perhaps this year I think I will ask for present instead of giving out. Hmm... I don't mind exchange either. Any idea about it? ^^

I'll take a serious thought about it.

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Extreme Weekend

It's a wonderful weekend. Schedule was full with activities and outing.

On Saturday. Suppose many people gonna go cycling at Taman Pertanian Cahaya Shah Alam with me. Around 4 in the morning, it started to rain till 7am and it's still raining. So they decided not to go for cycling anymore. So the 8 of us just went for Skytrex at 10.30am. We went for the Extreme Challenge instead of the Beginner nor Big Thrill. LOL. But it was really nothing, but FUN!

That same night, I have two open house to go. One is my colleague's twins daughter full moon, and another one is my colleague's bachelorette night. Hmm...realise that, when you start working, you tend to have a lot of events like these. Can't avoid.

On Sunday, so semangat I followed BBC to Bukit Tabur (aka Crystal Hill) in Melawati. Suppose we go up in a big gang of 17 person. I followed Hian and reached there early with his bro and 2 friends. The story goes on of cause is the rest of them were late. So we decided to go up first. 5 of us, start our journey and one the first part of hiking, huu.... it was terrible, acid lactic reacting in my leg. The feeling is really no good, like I'm gonna fall anytime. But then after the 1st rest, I start to get used to the tempo and breathing and I'm alright to keep up. I thought it will be like normal hiking, but no, this is really more than that. This is more like climbing. It's not just forest but rock and mud(it rained the night before). The rock is like 90 degree, and you have to climb over it. Thanks to my 2 scout, and my big bro, they thought me how to climb up and lucky they looked after me. LOL. Really look only.

Went up the hill, looked down at the scenery, it was amazing! The view was superb! My effort and courage was worth it. The whole journey took us two and a half hours. The whole journey was about 18KM. Huu... Even though I have scratches here and there, but really do enjoy the hike. I'm so proud of myself. Though it's not a big success, but it's indeed a very good experience. Woohoo~! After that we went to mamak for, erm... breakfast I guess. LOL. Anyway, thanks to Hian. I had a great time ^^

At night, it was my colleague wedding reception. The beautiful Louise. Wish them happy forever.

Wonderful weekend.
"Whats next?!"
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Grand 21

This post suppose to be up a week ago. Can't avoid from so many reasons that has caused this delay (Basically the reason is only one. I'm just too lazy. LOL). So here you go. ^^

Everybody thought that I would have a superb wonderful birthday bash on 15th October. Instead, I had nothing but just a simple day I go by everyday. I had my breakfast with sister as usual. Sent her to work. Went off and had a drink at Puchong Puteri's OldTown, and I get a coffee taste Lemon Tea. Hmm. Anthony should explain about this. LOL.

Perhaps, I went to saloon for a make over. I cut my hair short. Yes! I cut away my 3 years long hair. Real short.

This is how I look like now^^

Instead, I had a party on 17th Oct, which is 2 days after my birthday. I 've been planning this party for so long. But sometimes, things just won't go my way. Hmm... I planned to have a lovely pink party with balloons around. That's why my party theme color is pink. Everyone who come has to wear pink. Of cause everyone came with pink, but the bad thing was I didn't have flying balloons around. Because that hate-able uncle ffk! I booked him for my helium gas balloons a week before my party. I even called him 2 days before my party. On the very day, I called him in the morning and you know what he told me?

Uncle: Oh! Aku sekarang ni dekat Batu Cave, Isnin boleh tak?

WTF! If can I won't be calling you now for balloons. Of cause, in the end no balloons for my birthday. (How I wish all his balloons flew away on that day, can't even sell one. Go home empty hand. LOL) Besides, I thought of having fire crackers on that day. Not those that make humongous noise, but the one with beautiful flare. I didn't get enough of it for all my friends. So, its another failure. Sad.

Other than that, everything was fine. Except some part where some people didn't show up and some who came late. I'm not complaining here. I feel glad that people actually come to my party. I'm really happy. I just feel bad that we didn't have much time to spend together chit-chating.

Jia came to help out a day before my party. We went a few hypermarket for the food. Can you believe that I actually can't get chicken wing in Tesco. Not even one. Seriously. End up we have to go to Carrefour for chicken wing only. Really wana thank her.

According to Galy, which he is my 2nd slave on that night, cause he is the honorable photographer for the night. But instead of taking my picture, he actually took more of my niece's picture. Hmm...

My slave, and my Honey

Anyway, I was really happy and thankful. Thanks to my daddy, and my mummy who give birth to me 21 years ago. Thank you to my lovely jia who came 1 day earlier to help out with the stuff. So many people to thank. My sis, future-bro-in-law, bro, sis-in-law, cousin, each and everyone of you who came on that day. Thank you for coming and thank you for the pressies. I really like them so so much.

Check out the pictures here.
Credit to Galy.

Lastly, something for your eye. enjoy ^^

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You might think that I'm annoying, or even irritating keep reminding everyone about my birthday. Sorry if you really think so. But, you know, I have a lot of friends which their birthday also falls on October. Only 15th which is my day, probably there are like 3-4 of them has the same birthday with me. People wouldn't remember or maybe forget it on purpose (true, birthday really spend a lot but not on themselves). I don't really like my birthday actually. Why can't it fall on a date where its just me, and only me. So that everyone will remember (but the chance of forget is higher. LOL).

Not many people actually thrown me a party before the one I had last year, also except the one I put up myself. I was so so touch, even though I had a slight thought of what they gonna do. But I can tell I'm really very very happy.

Sharing sometimes is not caring. But when comes to certain things, I like it when it just mine. That is also why I never buy clothes that you can easily find it all over the place. I don't really like sharing. I know if I say this, your perception will change but, in fact this is what I think.

Human when comes to certain thing you have to be selfish, you can't share everything with everyone. Just like you can't share your husband with any other women/men. LOL. I can't understand those who share a husband with other women, don't they want the husband only care about them and only treat them the best? Treat yourself better as nobody will treat you like yourself, get it?

Anyway, what I wish for is just a happy day tomorrow. Really, just one sweet day. That's what all I wish for.

Oh ya, wanted to thank all my lovely colleague. You guys really surprised me and I appreciate that very very much ♥ ♥ ♥

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24 hours to go

It's 24 hours and 10 mins from now. Kinda look forward to it. Don't know whats gonna happen after 24 hours and 10 mins. Last year I had a not-so-good birthday. It was really bad, until that was the 1st time in my life I cried on my birthday. Sounds really bad huh. But then, I had a great one on the day they celebrate my birthday for me. Although it's not only for me but for us, it's good enough as I'm so touch they had the effort to bring me there and hold me for so long and throw me a blast. I still remember every detail on that day and day before. It's really blasting.

Memories are always wonderful

Met up with my designer today. He gave me this XXL lollipop as promised. But he still owe me 3 lollipops instead. LOL

I still want my big tong of Lollipops!!!
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New Toilet Bowl Concept

*sweeping sweeping*

Spider web all over my blog. Hmm... I've abandoned my lovely blog for so long. No time. Before I off for my birthday holiday I have to finish up what has to be done first. Besides that of cause also busy preparing for my birthday party. It's not gonna be a grand and formal one, it'll be a simple and nice one. So don't put in too high expectation. Don't forget the date, no two dates! 15th MY BIRTHDAY and 17th MY PARTY!!!

Nothing really special happened lately. Besides, I'm suppose to be working with Apple on this weekend but it's my cousin's convocation and my best friend's birthday. So, there goes my RM200. Talking about Apple, that day I had a conversation with a friend about Iphone, Iphone dock and dock adapter. He came out with this wonderful explanation to tell me how does these things work.

Y: iphone is u
Y: iphone de port is ur ass
Y: dock is bowl
Y: dock adapter is bowl cover
Y: the usb cable that connect the dock is the pipe that transfer ur shit...
Y: u (iphone) sit on the bowl cover (dock adapter ) on top of the toilet bowl (the dock)

I wonder how can he come out with this whole new toilet bowl concept. He really made me laugh my ass out. *fainted* How on earth can he thought on this explanation and description? He is really one of a kind. Salute to him! LOL XD
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I've been hesitating for so long deciding on my future plan. Of cause nothing about my marriage yet, but my study. I've been struggling for almost a year. Until last Thursday, I've finally made up my mind. Thanks to this big brother who untied all the hesitation in me. This is what he told me.

"u hesitate coz u got a choice...u got a choice coz u wish to go"

"local is not a choice at all..."

"wat make u hesitate that made u think that these two is a choices for u to choose from...is u wan to go aus"

"if there is no such options for u to choose from, u have no such hesitating...u got coz u wish to go... very obvious ady...just sthg bothering u"

"just how well u handle the things that borthering u..or how well u find a balance point for the two choices"

"avtime when u hesitate to make choices, inside u already knew which to choose and the one u prefer ...where it will make ur self happy when u choose it"

"u hesitate coz u just giv u a excuses that u are considering sthg bcoz u cant this this and that that "

"if is not...then sort it out... not duno which to choose"

"avone is the same, but they just dunno how to stand at beside of the problem at look at it with other angles jek"

"when they see problem, they just wan solve the problem...but not understand the problems, whether is there really have a problem? or inner side of u create the problem...or choices"

"coz emo have overtaken their concious..."

Now you understand what he meant? I bet you don't. I do, very well. He was so surprise I know. I should have know what I want and what I like since long time ago. It's just there aren't anyone to tell me or I should say motivate me to do it. He is just right to the point where this is the answer I've been looking for. He just said it out. Thanks to him. I promise I'll study very hard and work very hard at the same time. Really. I promise.
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It's here Finally

Just a small update. Shopped whole day. Its like a bag spree. Bought 3 bags. LOL. Anyway, I got my long waited Fred Perry Pump already. Finally. *winks* It cost me less than RM100. Woo hoo!!!

Love it so so much.

Off to sleep now. *toodles*
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The Day You Flew Away

Just got back from airport, sent off Peng Yan. She left for real. I cried, she and Woo did too. Not gonna see her in person for 2 years I guess. Or maybe just 9 months. Like all of us keep mentioning she will be coming back in June 2010. But I doubt I'm gonna be in Malaysia or not. Hmm... Gonna miss her. Gonna miss her so so badly.

Listening to this song, 于心有愧. Feeling moody now. Tomorrow going to spa with Jia. So gonna relax myself and destress. Here I come, TOMORROW.

Nigth peeps~!
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Dear Teddy

35minutes more and the clock will strike 12. Its 12am midnight. Today is also the day Teddy gonna leave the country where she grew up at and go for her dreams and her future. She is going to Birmingham in 26 hours time. This is also the last 26 hours she will be in Malaysia, close to us before she leave for 9 months.

She is one of my best friend. I still remember how we met. When I was in Form 4, she is the class monitor and she is just sitting next to me on the other row. I don't know her. But so happen, in Bio lab, she sat in front of me. How we start to know each other? We fight. Yes! We fight, not with words, but we hit and grab each other. Don't worry we didn't fight for any guys or being slutty to each other. But we just like to hit each other so much. LOL. Weird huh. We were with different gang of friend, but then we can be so close to each other. We used to compete in Maths. But I don't know why she is always good in Add Maths but I'm better in Modern Maths. I got higher in Modern Maths and she got higher in Add Maths. Weird again. Hmm... Probably, modern maths is just too easy and she is just too careless.

After secondary school, thou we are not in the same uni, but we still hang out together a lot. We used to go SC all the time for pool. LOL. Miss those time so much. How I wish we could go for another pool+ yumcha date again now.

Anyway, I will support you on what ever you wanna do. I'll be here to be your best girl with the others whenever you need us. We Love You, and I Love You dear. ♥
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Big Day

Its 29 days before the big day. Hmm... You sure know what is gonna happen in 29 days right?? Don't you dare to say no, I chop your head down and dip into salt water. LOL. Of cause this very important day will be....

MY BIRTHDAY!!! yea yea!!! My Birthday!!! Lily's Birthday!!!

Party to be plan, day to be spend, money to be pour, friends to be met.

Remember to shower me with presents, kisses, hugs, surprises and love. Like What I said last year:
"This is very very very important to each and everyone of you. Its the best time to show me how much you guys love me. "

I know you love me and I do love you too. ♥

So don't forget to put this in your phone reminder, organizer, planner, calender or what so ever.

15th Oct is LILY's Birthday!!!
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New Season

Was 090909 that day, on Wednesday. The day when my team lost at the dodgeball match. *Sad* 090909 probably you can only have it once in a life time, or its never. Everybody believe in the number '9' stands for 'forever'. That day, 200 couples got married together in an event. I bet there are more out there. And one of the couple happen to be someone I know. No, not my ex or whoever, its my sister's ex-boyfriend. Aww.... so fast. Didn't expect it. When is my sister's turn? Or maybe my turn? haha.

Anyway, its a special day. But my day was nothing special. That day, me and Sam made a statement. If anyone propose to me or ask me to his girlfriend on that day, I will straightly say yes. I mean it. Too bad, nothing happen that day. Too bad for you guys out there too. Like I said, its now or never. LOL.

Anyway, I just hope for something special to happen that day. Haha. This is an In-A-Relationship season again.

New season of Gossip Girls is coming up tomorrow. Woohoo~! Stay tune ^^

'Sweet September ♥'
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The feeling is kinda weird today. Actually I'm still in dillemma on where to study. I just can't make up my mind. At the same time, when I thought of leaving this place, the place I grew up with my friends and family. A place with memories, happy or sad. To a new place where I'm not familiar with, though is only for 2 years. But, it seems like forever and everything will not be the same again. We might not go to steamboat so often like how we used to be. We might not be having barbeque and playing at waterfall together. Everyone will be busy with their own things. Working out for their career, for their future, for their family, or even for their the other half. Some may even get married. haha. Everything wouldn't be the same again.

How I wish everything could just stop at the time when we had so much fun tagging together. How I wish I can go back to 2008. Everything is just fine. Life is just full of laughter and joyful moments. I love my life at that time. Nothing seems to matter.

Soon, Teddy will leave us to UK. She didn't allow us to send her off at the airport, but still I feel like doing that. Though I know it will be full of tears. But, its the point where we witness the new stage of our good friend. How she starts with her new stages of life.

I wonder how would it be on the day I'm gonna leave Malaysia be like? I always hope that each and everyone of my friend would come and send me off on that day. What will happen next? Me crying my lungs out, hugging my friends and family and will never want to let go? I wonder......

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I never thought my targeted activity would succeed by being frustrated and total disappointment.

I was lying on my bed for the past 20 hours. Yes! Sleeping of cause. I noticed that I can't continuously sleep for 20 hours. I keep waking up. Ended up with a day without water and food. Until this morning, I wake up and made myself 3 pcs of black pepper sausage and apple with salmon mayo salad. Hmm...

Anyway, what happen yesterday was suppose to attend one of my girl's birthday dinner at Bentong. Unfortunately, due to some family matters I couldn't attend. I felt so disappointed and frustrated. I event silent my phone whole day. I was not given any choice but not to go. I feel so bad. It's Sheau Mun's 21st birthday, and I couldn't attend. Besides, it might also be the last time we travel so far with Teddy cause she is gonna leave to UK very soon. This make me feel even worst.

I send my mum to the temple at 1pm and reach home at 2pm. I slept all the way to 12am, when I wake up, loads of miscalls and messages. One of the miscall is from Teddy, and I missed it. OMG! They came back early and went Quan's. And I missed it again! WTH! Me ended up continue sleeping till this morning. OMG!

Woke up this morning and read some shitty updates on facebook. I think I'm gonna quit facebook one day. They keep haunting me. Damn it!!!

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Party is Up!

I believe most of you got my invitation in facebook already right? Yes yes, I know it's one month ahead, but I'm giving you guys ample time to prepare for this. LOL. As if it's gonna be a blast in a life. The reason I invite you guys a month ahead is because to allow you guys to plan ahead, in other words is to not put any date on that day. Second, of cause to allow you guys to prepare a wonderful and meaningful present for me.^^ (Thou its not a must)

Days before I put up the event, I've been cracking my head thinking about where, how, when and who for my birthday.

My house?
Old Town?



etc etc etc.

Besides these, there are much more to consider about. Especially when I want my party to be fun, memorable and special. I've been thinking about my party them. At first I thought I wana have a School Uniform Party, but I realise that Cassey had that in her birthday. So, this idea is BANNED. The next one will be a party in Oldtown Signature shop, Bangsar South. I can tell you, this place is freaking nice with outdoor seat and waterfall. OMG! I don't have $. BANNED again. How about catering at home just like the others? Well, I don't feel like going for catering cause, it will be an ordinary dinner, eat, sit down, chat, thats it. No fun. BANNED! I've also consider about having Barbeque at home, but I'm thinking will it be boring, cause its barbeque again? Anyway, I've decide to make barbeque plus steamboat with a party theme. Regarding the them, I've asked so so so many people about it. Finally I have the outcome. Muahahahahaha. So, stay tune for it. ^^

Most of them asked me what do I want for my birthday. They asked me to put up a wishlist. My wishlist is always there. It's the matter of I get it myself or not. Don't really want you guys to get me those present cause it is kinda costly and the most important NO SURPRISE! So, what I really want is something you guys wana get me, anything. Actually I fancy a handmade pressie. Something memorable and it can be kept for long. Hmm... Now start brainstroming peeps!

Now go check this out and RSVP please. Thank you ^^

Alright, so much more to do for my party. Now, hush hush...

Of cause before I end, would like to wish my darling Teddy and Bobby, Happy Birthday! This is also your 21st birthday. Hope you guys had a good one and so do mine, soon. LOL
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I'm not suffering from sore throat, bodyache, feetache, waist-ache, whole bodyache la. Cause I just finish watching a non-stop jumping, non-stop dancing, non-stop screaming, non-stop singing, non-stop hand waving, non-stop laughing concert. Whose concert is that? It's the magnificent MAYDAY. Don't worry I'm not asking for help, they are MAYDAY! 五月天!

I can say, if you haven't watch a Mayday concert before, you will never know why they can sell millions copy of their album and own their very own designed T-shirt and merchandise. Cause their stuff are just so sell-able and worth it. Their concert is just so worth it that they start singing since 8.30pm till 12.30am. 4 solid hours of magnificent performance. I can tell you, they are the most dramatic and most spontaneous rock band I've ever seen. They can seriously make you laugh your ass out. And the best thing I saw is, the power of their fans (Of cause I'm also one of them). Till you're there you will understand why. So, stay tune for their performance in Malaysia approximately next year. Anyway, I watch this performance in Singapore. Woohoo!!!

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Once there was a widower who for his second wife, married a proud and naughty woman. She had two daughters, who were equally vain. By his first wife, he had a beautiful young daughter who was a girl of unparalleled goodness and sweet temper. The Stepmother and her daughters forced the first daughter to complete all the housework. When the girl had done her work, she sat in the cinders, which caused her to be called "Cinderella". The poor girl bore it patiently, but she dared not tell her father, who would have scolded her; his wife controlled him entirely.

One day the Prince invited all the young ladies in the land to a ball so he could choose a wife. As the two Stepsisters were invited, they gleefully planned their wardrobes. Although Cinderella assisted them and dreamed of going to the dance, they taunted her by saying a maid could never attend a ball.

As the sisters swept away to the ball, Cinderella cried in despair. Her Fairy Godmother magically appeared and vowed to assist Cinderella in attending the ball. She turned a pumpkin into a coach, mice into horses, a rat into a coachman, and lizards into footmen. She then turned Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown, complete with a delicate pair of glass slippers. The Godmother told her to enjoy the ball, but return before midnightfor the spells would be broken.

At the ball, the entire court was entranced by Cinderella, especially the Prince, who never left her side. Unrecognized by her sisters, Cinderella remembered to leave before midnight. Back home, Cinderella graciously thanked her Godmother Singing. She then greeted the Stepsisters who enthusiastically talked of nothing but the beautiful girl at the ball.

When another ball was held the next evening, Cinderella again attended with her Godmother's help. The Prince became even more entranced. However, this evening she lost track of time and left only at the final stroke of midnight, losing one of her glass slippers on the steps of the palace in her haste. The Prince chased her, but outside the palace, the guards had seen only a simple country wench leave. The Prince pocketed the slipper and vowed to find and marry the girl to whom it belonged. Meanwhile, Cinderella kept the other slipper, which had not disappeared when the spell had broken.

The Prince tried the slipper on all the young women in the land. When the Prince arrived at Cinderella's villa, the Stepsisters tried in vain. When Cinderella asked if she might try, the Stepsisters taunted her. Naturally, the slipper fit perfectly, and Cinderella produced the other slipper for good measure. The Stepsisters begged for forgiveness, and Cinderella forgave them for their cruelties.

Cinderella returned to the palace where she married the Prince, and the Stepsisters also married two lords.


I know I know, not anything special. But I just love this story so much. I'm not trying to be funny or cute here, but I seriously is in love with this story so much. LOL

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How should I start....

When you start saying something hurtful to some people, you'll be labeled as 'mean', or terrible better word, 'bitchy'. Being mean at times, its not what the person want to do. It's the situation wants you to be mean, especially when things happen to be like this and that person deserve it. Don't get me?? I can see clouds with question mark all around. Alright, the story goes like this. (I don't care even if the person gonna read this and wana start a blog-fight or anything, I just don't care, it's not gonna hurt me anyway. YES! I'm being bitchy now. LOL)

A loveable friend starts planning for her own birthday since months ago, and everyone of her friend knows it and about. So, a week before the outing day, a few of them actually were online discussing about the outing. I'll name them. W is the birthday girl, T is a friend of hers, and K is the other friend of hers and R is the boyfriend.

W, T and K were online in a chatroom talking about this outing on saturday. K said they couldn't make it cause on that night she and bf will be having a dinner with some friends. So T was quite pissed off cause W planned it and infromed everyone a month ago. K even said her bf is sick didn't want to make him go to places with liquor and smoke.

The day after that, I actually sms-ed R asking if he will go. This is what he replied:
"She didn't invite me, so I don't think I will go without invitation."

Then, I was like: Shoot you! You DIDNT GET THE INVITATION?? How dare you say that.

Then I replied:
"Hmm... Oh, I just got feedback from W. K said you're sick, can't come. Are you alright? K didn't tell you about the invite?"

Then he quickly replied, which this is also something that makes me mad:
"Oh, she did. Yea, I didn't want you guys to feel sick after going out with me since im sick. Going to club will be liquor, lateness and smoke for sure. "

What the hell. I thought you said you won't show up cause no invite??!! Or are you trying to cover for the gf for not telling you and you said that "No invites" excuse? The funniest thing is, I heard the gf calling up W and asked her if she had said something to the bf. Helo, it's me alright?! Why would you be feeling so offensive if you did ask the bf to come with us to celebrate this 10 years good friend's birthday? Don't it make sense? Does it prove that you NEVER even thought of going to the party?

Three days later, I actually saw some pictures in fbook with the couple having STEAMBOAT with a BUNCH of people. I didn't know virus wouldn't spread through saliva, but only air. Hmm... Think about it.

And NOW I'm being bithcy.
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Finally..... After so long

Finally, July is over and here comes August. I have so much to tell about this passed July. Time seem to goes by so slowly, but in fact things happen so rapidly and I haven't had the time to think. My life have been so pack lately, like I mentioned previously I stuffed every single empty time with happening event and outing with friends.

Weeks ago, I went to this place, surrounded by nature with beautiful padi field, dirty lovely beach, and its a fish village. Went there with my lovely friend Neoh, Fang and Yin. Its a renown place to most of the photography lover, with blue sky, grey sea, colorful boats and green paddy field. Of cause we took alot of stupid nice pictures. For more pictures, remember to check out my facebook album. Basically, we went there because we wana celebrate for our dearest birthday boy- Neoh Che Kwong. You're old year older already! 24 jor! It's time to get a wife jor! LOL!

You know, that day Yin and Neoh almost fight, look at their face.

Because of him, being retard. LOL

Over the passed two months, my Dodgeball team have been playing in this Campus Dodgeball League. Gaining experience, training up stamina, brushing up their skills. Though they didn't won every single match, but I'm kinda proud of them. We joined this Campus Dodgeball Championship organized by R.AGE and MAD. The news were all over the news paper. Check out the news on their website. Although we only got thru to the round of 16, but this is already an achievement for us to have got into the top 16 teams out of 60. I'm really proud of you guys. DD ROXXX!!!

Devil's Duke

Time flies. I have already working in this company for almost three months. Stress is there. Working, conquer almost 60% of my time and 20% of it is me sleeping and 20% I try to spend time with my loved one. But time is never enough. Working 9 to 6 everyday, makes me realize that I don't really like working life, as in working on a fixed time basis. This is just not me. I don't mind spending time working but not sitting in the office facing the computer all the time. And most of the time I'm freezing cold in the office feeling so drowsy. I wonder, what will I be or what will I get into after my degree. Getting married and spend my time at home being a rich man's wife? Or a successful career type super woman? Hmm...


" Married a richman and become a richlady. LOL"
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A Letter for R

Dear R,

Don't cry my dear. Don't cry. Life have to go on. You're a sweet and wonderful girl, you have me here loving you with all my heart. Not being loved is not your fault, this is faith. Having faith with someone, while not with the others is your destiny. Family is not something you can choose, so, don't be upset about it and just bare with it. Just live your life, your own life. Not letting anything to distract the happiness and life you owned. It's yours, not any body else. The one who left, is just not meant to be with you. There will be someone, standing at the place where you'll meet him one day for sure. Don't worry, you'll never be alone. NEVER! I'm standing here, right beside you whenever you want me to. I'll be here. Just right here.

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I'm sick! Baby Xuan

Aww... I'm sick...

No! I should say: "Weeeeee...... I'm sick!!!" LOL! And of cause I didn't go to work today obviously. Otherwise you won't be seeing this post at this time, and me still twitting and facebooking updating my status and playing on facebook applications. Hmm...

Went to see my beloved Doctor Radjit. He is just so so cute. As usual, he made me wait a quater hour. He was again asking me how's my sis and hasn't seen her for sometime, wanting to get Kenny Roger's voucher from her. And, in fact, My sis no longer work there.

I'm having fever, running nose, nose block, cough and tonsil. I know, these are all H1N1 synthom. So I asked my doctor, will I get quarantined? This is what he said.

Me: Doc, will I get quarantined arr?
Doc: Yes you can! With me writing you a letter saying that you went to watch movie sitting next to a guy who just came back from UK.
Me: Doc, US better leh.
Doc: No! Probably Melbourne better.
Me: Yes Please!

He is just so cute. Then he put a termometer into my mouth. Then I asked him.

Me: Any fever?
Doc: Just miao.

WTH!!! Miao(Which means slight fever) pulak... Then if its high fever it should be ROAR.....??LOL!

Aww... My family doctor is just so so cute. What to do? I see him everytime I get sick. I also always ask him,

Me: How can the nurse read your writing? I can't even read a word.
Doc: Don't worry, they have this Doctor's Writing subject in their syllbus.

WTH! I just laugh my ass off!

By the way, my brother just got a baby girl last month. Her name is Thong Xuan. I wanted to give her an English name, but don't know what to name her. But I think Cadence is a wonderful name la. What do you think? Show you pic of her.^^