New New New!
New new new!New Layout! Of course I didn't made this myself. Thou I'm taking the subject Network Literacies aka Partially Web Design, I'm not that advance yet thou I took this subject like twice? LOL
Anyway, the layout was just fine. Wanted to make one myself but too lazy. HAHAHA. Just bare with this one for the time been. Might change it later.
You know living in Melbourne, eventually will make you starting to cook and in fact to make your own food, cause shops close early, food are expensive. So happen yesterday Cassey said she wanted to eat pisang goreng (She ask for this and that everyday. LOL) I went online and check out the recipe. Lately I'm just so into this cooking and baking thing. Since the time I made muffins with bff. I realise cooking is not something hard, but you have to like practise and improve. Pisang goreng is not something very hard to make, just flour, water and of cause the most important Pisang- Banana. Anyway, i think something is wrong with the recipe, invention is still needed.
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