20 Days to go

There are only 20 days left. Now I'm counting what else I must do before I left. Going out with you, you, you and of cause you. (I wish) Thinking do I have the time. Or do YOU have the time to spare with me? Have to really plan it already.

By the way, what have I done these two days. Nothing better than

Wake up - Facebook - Eat - Facebook - Sleep - Wake up - Facebook - Eat ....

And it goes on and on and on. Same routine this entire week. OMG! My life before departure is so so so boring! Please somebody save me~~

Anyway, I almost finish my packing, now then I realize I got so many things to bring. But still, I have plenty of needs and wants still on my list. Hmm...

- Macbook
- Sweaters
- Shampoo
- Towel
- Foundation
- Moisturizer

- iPhone
- Fujifilm Instax Mini 7s
- Cash more and more cash
- Backpack

Hmm... I guess thats about it AT THE MOMENT. LOL. But I don't mind receiving something extra and hearty. ^^

Tonight will be the night. Shall have fun and stop expecting. Ciao~

"I tried my best"

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