I'm Just Intelligent
Haven't talk much about my study lately. What's my current status? Still alive. Haha. That's the best word to describe my situation now. Well. Work load isn't that bad afterall. They were just crazy. CRAZEY as hell!!! Let me show you how crazy it was.
Well, I'm an intelligent, smart, and wise girl. And I am really good in time management. I finished all my assignments 2 weeks earlier! >.< Wow~ Give myself a clap *applause* But now I'm left at home, nothing to do. Like totally nothing to do AT ALL!
Anyway, I said its hectic. Let me tell you how hectic my timeline was.
29/10 - Collaboration News Story
Cultural Event Presentation
5/11 - Cultural Analysis
8/11 - Major Media Story
12/11 - Radio Documentary
19/11 - Remix Project
It doesn't seem to be very bad, but it's really really bad! Seriously. I only have 4 weeks to finish up all these thing. Well, you know, with my intelligent planning, everything is done! Wee~
I thought I wouldn't finish it so soon, so I didn't change my flight. Well, I regretted. How I wish I could. Some one please give me a chunk of money so that I can change my flight and get back sooner. But, that was just a dream.
Well, well. I should plan out something for the time being. Touring around perhaps? Since I haven't been really explored around Melbourne yet. But the only issue would be money. *kaching kaching* Where to find?
Anyway, this is one of my piece of work this semester. I know I know. Nothing fantastic, but I just thought of sharing.
Well, I have another Radio documentary to show. But I haven't figured out where to post it. Hmm... Well you can always ask me about it if you want to^^
Oh ya, and let me know if you need anything from Australia when I'm back to Bolehland. Don't worry, I charge. HAHAHAHAHA
"Oink oink~"
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